Things are largely reopened, largely back to normal. Sunday night in Madison Square Garden the Foo Fighters played before a packed house. In Central Manhattan. Read that again. If anyone had ANY questions as to where we were with the reopening of the country, we’re clearly there. Yes, there are still a few remaining outposts where things are reopening slower than everywhere else but if Midtown Manhattan is open for business, America is open for business!
What has changed and what have we learned? The pandemic allowed for many to self reflect — some for the first time ever. That should be a truly beneficial thing for all. For myself, I’ve been able to re-engage my reading habit and have really started getting into a variety of podcasts and personal development, which has really been beneficial both in the short term and even more so long-term. Thinking, obviously, is good. Self reflection, good. Self improvement, good. Activity and pursuit of self-actualization (whatever that is, obviously good). But all of these endeavors need to be balanced and folded into a routine of PRODUCTION.
Talking about work, planning work, improving yourself, setting goals-all awesome pursuits! But they are all also a massive waste of time unless we are engaged in the activities that produce the desired results we seek. Literally every position in every company has production metrics if someone takes the time to break it down. It is so very easy to get sidetracked and knocked off track by not being focused on what keeps you on track. So many people get bogged down with meaningless meetings that are held because they are on the “monthly schedule” yet serve very little function towards achieving their desired ends. Everyone is flying around “busy” going a million miles an hour but getting very little of the important work done that generates revenue. World renowned leadership guru, Dr. John Maxwell has been quoted as saying, “Dreams don’t work unless you do.” In my words, busy doesn’t pay any bills!
Before anyone thinks I am I am some narcissist blathering from an ivory tower about what others should do, confession time!!! This was me for the better part of at least the past six months. Perhaps longer. I was always busy, always working on something. Always ready to tell anyone who asked what I was working on. What I wasn’t doing was spending enough time on the activities that drive our revenue. Thank God Christine was or I seriously would have screwed us. I’m not saying I did this intentionally. Frankly, I thought I was doing what was best for the company (despite knowing better deep down I suppose). I had an epiphany about 2 weeks ago and, after cursing my stupidity for a day or two, got back to work doing what I do best and driving value for our clients and candidates and revenue for our firm.
Bottom line is protect the bottom line and make sure your eye is on the activities that are in concert with that. Busy is good, beats inaction for sure but it’s only good where that business leads to production. Personal and professional development are paramount to long term growth and success but do not and cannot take the place of production oriented activities. This was a costly lesson for me as I know I left some opportunities on the table during this period of time. My hope is by sharing this, others will learn from my mistake and course correct earlier to save the damage from really becoming disastrous. The business opportunities now are greater than they’ve been for the past 12-18 months. Take advantage of these times by remaining laser focused on your own affairs that really impact your day to day!

Hugh Gallagher